Monday, April 25, 2016

Stages of Technology

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Thanking about the five stages of technology and reading each one. It gave me ideas on what we teachers need to know when we start teaching. I thought back in elementary school we had one computer teacher  only we would go to. She would show us how to get to the internet and how to save our work on a floppy disk. She would show us how type to search and type out essays are teacher gave us. We did not really do a lot since it was in fourth and fifth grade. However, it was something to learn so when we go into higher grades and learn how about technology we would know how to use it on our own. at the younger age is was mostly on painting and playing games on the computer. As i got older around 13 ish i started using AOL messager to chat with friends and type up papers and to look up information for projects. that is it! I honestly don’t like how everything is by computer now such as paying bills, interviews that are online now through skype  and getting a hold of someone to talk to a real person not a robot on phone.  I like everything the old fashion way instead of signing up by going green, which is everyone’s line.  Back than it was only one specific teacher who taught everyone how to use technology not all teachers. Now in this day it is required for all teachers to know technology. i believe teachers that I did my student teaching and observations all do not know about technology and do not use it at all. I was even told by some that they do not know how to use the computer still. A lot of teachers have to go back to school for classes on technology since teaching jobs are now asking for background on technology, 

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The different stages of technology are:
Entry: The teacher uses technology to deliver content to the students by listening to or watching content on activities.
Adoption: The teacher makes decisions about which technology tool to use and when and how to use it.
Adaption: Teachers incorporate technology tools such as word processors, spreadsheets, and graphic tools.
Appropriation: Teachers guide the students on cooperative, project based, and work on incorporating the technology and using many tools to meet the students of all students. Well-funded and options available.
Innovation:  The teacher serves as a guide, mentor, and model in the use of technology. Students extend the use of technology tools.

I agree with each stage because all teachers start from Entry and work their way up. Eventually all teachers will make it to Innovation it’s going to take time going to classes to learn but it’s going to be helpful on future jobs and for the students since no it is all about technology.  It also depends what grades you want to teach the older the more technology you will need to know in class.
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 The stage I am at right now is Entry. I was a preschool teacher for two years and I never had to use really technology nor my students had to use this tech stuff ever. Yes I did use my phone because I didn’t have an iPad to show them YouTube videos on theme lesson plan songs , theme song dances we did for outdoor play while it rained. I honestly think for preschool and toddler we do not really need to use technology. I believe  technology is for around 4th grade and above for education purposes only not social media.  When I did my observations at an Elementary school IN A PRESCHOOL CLASSROOM the teacher had, an iPad with her at all times. I am like that is weird I wonder why. Well when I asked her, she said she takes pictures when the children are in each area and write an observation with it to show the parents at the end of the year for parent teacher conference. Everything goes on the IPad! From the kids learning there alphabet and numbers. Instead of teachers, writing on paper to show the parents they have to write it in online to this website that is together with the school. I was shocked because where I worked I had to write everything on paper to show the parents. So yes, it is getting me worried that in the future when I want a job at an elementary school I will have to know technology in the classroom. However, thanks for this class I am in now to show me somewhat what I need to know for the future.

Here are so links to check out about the five stages and how apple is getting involved with schools with using IPads.


  1. Your post was done really well, I like the detail you put in it and the pictures are incorporated perfectly. I hope you do get to stage five, because it is very important today to know about technology, because it is taking over our world!

  2. Agree with Yolanda, a very thoughtful blog. At the pre-school level you may not have students completely engrossed in technology but as a teacher you will use it daily.
    Please watch those lower case "i's". Also, while I love your blog background some of the lighter fonts were a bit hard to read.
